Donate To FOX!
OCT 24
Time: 12:00 AM
Sonia Hertogs Email
Please consider supporting the Fox Valley Swim Team by making a tax-deductible donation today! We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Thank you!
Participants | Rank 0/425
$150.00 Kamylle Centeno
$125.00 Anish Gowda
$125.00 Vishnu Pranav Gowda
$100.00 Isabella Plude
$37.00 Joslyn Leofanti
Top Member (amount)
$275.00 13/14
$125.00 9/10
$100.00 Senior Female
$37.00 11/12 Black
Top Locations (amount)
$537.00 FOX Valley Swim Team